Sunday 10:00 a.m. Worship Service


Welcome to Willow Church

We are so glad you are here! All people are welcome to join us for our Sunday services and events. We want to reach the St. Croix Valley with the love of Jesus Christ.

Our church is located just east of Grandview Park in Hudson, Wisconsin. If you are coming from downtown Hudson, take Vine Street eastward and continue straight as it changes into County Rd UU after crossing through Carmichael Rd. From I-94, you go north on Carmichael Road and turn right onto County Road UU. You take the first left, which is Jacobs Lane and our church is on the left. Turn left again to enter our parking lot.

When you enter our building, you will be greeted by volunteers and invited to grab some coffee in the lobby. If you have children ages 0-11, there is a check-in kiosk for Willow Kids. Our children’s ministry director and team of volunteers will help you register and find the right classroom based on age group.

We begin with worship in the auditorium with vibrant, contemporary music at 10:00 a.m. followed by announcements and then a sermon.

Pastor Paul Diehn

Pastor Paul is the Lead Pastor of Willow Church. He has passionately followed Jesus since 1997 and continues to pursue God’s heart, inspire people around him, and share the gospel with anyone who will listen! Prior to moving into full-time ministry and becoming a licensed minister, he spent many years working in operations management in the medical device and pharmaceutical industry as a department and facility leader.

Paul and his wife Erica have been married for seventeen years and have a son in middle school. In 2023, they moved to the St. Croix Valley so Paul could pastor and grow this church with depth, relationships, and influence. Paul holds degrees in Business Management and a Master’s Degree from the Jack W. Hayford Seminary at The King’s University.


We believe that the Word of God is a primary source of strength, hope, encouragement, and peace in our daily lives. So we are following the B.R.E.A.D. method of bible reading with a journal.

Willow Kids

Willow Kids serves kids from Newborn through 5th grade.
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Willow Youth

In cooperation with Harvest Time Outreach, our combined churches desire to equip and disciple students.
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Willow Groups

You were made to live in community, and authentically connect with others, and one way to find that at Willow is to get in a group!
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Willow Bible Reading Plan

We believe that the Word of God is a primary source of strength, hope, encouragement, and peace in our daily lives.
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